Dreamland Defender, July 2017 devnotes
- animation time offset on crows. Animations should be running at different tempi.
- cooldown on bullet time effect availability (bullet time upon shooting the grand clock).
- update of unity framework and steamvr source to newest versions
- implemented a visual impairment on the player when one of the precious cows are abducted.

- rendering of ui now set to secondary camera forwarding what it sees to a texture on a warped canvas near the player.
- drones are now dramatically crashing into the ground.
- level number displaying in the first few seconds of a newly started level.
- accuracy tracking and display on UI.
- made the serialization code for saving player data.
- advancing to next level involves the enemy ai getting better and faster and learning how to best defeat you.
- clock sounds activated.
- gun failure system implemented. Guns are now randomly failing.
- clock now makes a sound when it is ready to activate bullet time.
- AI stats are now resetting on level 1. The game was getting quite difficult to test, as the AIs were becoming extremely efficient.
- built a machine that let’s you start the level. Pretty useful.
- built a selector system for signs/icons.
- several textures reworked.
- drones are now in earthly camo. Pretending to come in peace.
- highscore board
- objects no longer disappears on next wave.
- moved some of the props on the level
player can now lose the game.Player still can’t lose! That might make it too easy.- highscores are now displayed in the right order
- installing a shower cabin in the game for watering the magic plant.
- shotgun weapon heat capacity increased.
- bowling ball drag effect adjusted.
- enemy health adjusted
- enemy mutation factor decreased
- Weapon failure system tuned. Visual effect now more present.
- Steel pot 3d model and textures redone.
- Pot on the bonfire now contains water
- The steel pot can now be filled with water
- Shotgun / Winchester / Whatever-Rifle now has more weapon power. Double the amount of bullets with double the amount of damage. Weapon failure rate increased. Heat capacity raised.
- Drone DNA is now stored completely for each play cycle. No more deleting the lists between cycles.
- Dynamite fuse fire now moves down the length of the fuse, to show pyer how much time is left before it blows.
- Weapons and items are now persistent. Grabbed items are still freaky.
- Bullet now has ricochet effect with sound.
- Bowling ball weight and drag adjusted.
- items “Pistol” and “Gun”: damage, heat cap, and failure rate adjusted.
- Clock moved to match position of wall.
- Health bottle size increased and positioned in front of player.
- Weapon cooling: when weapon is cooled completely it makes a reloading sound.
- End of Level: weapons are now dropped from controller grab.
- Controllers no longer invisible after weapon mafunction causes disintegration of grabbed weapon.
- Umbrellas now come in different colors. Important stuff.
- Level Reset and Level Initiation system redone.
- New colors for drone headlights.
- Drones now have an extra detection system for checking if player is in sight.
- Drones now turn visibly.
- Drone trails reworked.
- Mothership vulnerable visual effect reworked.
- New Mothership spawn system.
- Menu scene: specific system for guns in that scene.
- Menu scene: target practise field.
- Menu scene: Title and animation of light.
- Menu scene: target practise button to start game.
- Menu scene: soundtrack set to main theme.
- drone speak
- New mothership vulnerability sound
- Bullet casings now dropping when firing weapons
- Limited confetti.
- Added manure.
- Added “Finger on a pole”. For making drones angry.
- Bullet cases now makes a sound when they hit / bounce on the ground.
- New ridiculously overpowered gun, that most likely will do as much damage to yourself as to the enemy.
- Added cowshit.